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SAE J3134:2019 pdf free

SAE J3134:2019 pdf free.Automated Driving System (ADS) Marker Lamp
“The most important message that needs to be communicated to cyclists and pedestrians is whether they have been detecte…. At the moment, the most important thing is there is absolutely no information and communication between the vehicle and the people… So pedestrians don’t know its intentions.” On the whole, participants from this study preferred the use of lights to provide information about whether the vehicle was turning or stopping, and sound to indicate whether it was going to start moving and whether they had been detected. However, it should be noted that there were differences in preference across the three locations examined (L ausanne, Switzerland; La Rochelle, France;and Trikala, Greece), suggesting there may be some cultural differences in how the communication tools used by these vehicles are perceived. Results from this study suggest that other road users would like to receive some form of information from the AVs when the space is shared between these actors, and that knowing they have been detected by the AV is the most important message to pedestrians and cyclists.
Chalmers University of Technology Autonomous Vehicle s Interaction with Pedestrians (AVIP):“A conclusion from this is that pedestrians need additional feedback in the interaction with an automated vehicle to compensate for the loss of information due to the decoupled driver. At least, a method is needed to be able to identify a manually driven or automated vehicle, clarifying if the driver, or the vehicle itself, is responsible for the maneuvering control. The evaluation…shows that the interaction between the pedestrian and the automated vehicle could be improved with an external communication interface. The pedestrians were able to understand the information that was conveyed to them and the prototype helped them in the decision-making process. An additional conclusion is that this kind of interface would increase pedestrians’ perceived safety when interacting with automated vehicle…it can be concluded that there is a need for an external communication interface..SAE J3134 pdf free download.

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