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SAE J3163:2018 pdf free

SAE J3163:2018 pdf free.Taxonomy and Definitions for Terms Related to Shared Mobility and Enabling Technologies
Carsharing offers members access to vehicles by joining an organization that provides and maintains a fleet of cars and/or light trucks. These vehicles may be located within neighborhoods, public transit stations, employment centers, universities,etc. The carsharing organization typically provides insurance, gasoline, parking, and maintenance. Members who join a carsharing organization typically pay a fee each time they use a vehicle [3].
NOTE: The term“car club” is often used in the United Kingdom and New Zealand to refer to a carsharing organization.
CNS provide for-hire delivery services for monetary compensation using an online application or platform (such as a website or smartphone app) to connect couriers using their personal vehicles, bicycles, or scooters with freight (e.g., packages,food, etc.) [3], [4]. CNS are also referred to as flexible goods delivery.
Microtransit is defined as a privately or publicly operated, technology-enabled transit service that typically uses multi-passenger/pooled shuttles or vans to provide on-demand or fixed-schedule services with either dynamic or fixed routing [1].
NOTE 1: Between January and February 2018, the SAE Shared and Digital Mobility Definitions Task Force (hereinafter referred to as “Task Force'”) received feedback from Members and industry stakeholders, including two presentations regarding the definition and use of the term“microtransit” (or on-demand transit). Based on these presentations, it was determined by consensus of the Task Force that the term“microtransit” could include both private-sector and public-sector services and either (1) fixed-route or flexible-route/dynamic coverage, or (2) fixed-schedule or on-demand operations.
NOTE 2: The term“flexibus” is a colloquial term that can be used to describe a microtransit service that includes a fixed route but can flexibly modify its route to pick-up or drop-off passengers at locations near but not directly on its route when demand and operations permit.
Personal vehicle sharing is defined as the sharing of privately owned vehicles, where companies broker transactions between vehicle hosts and guests by providing the organizational resources needed to make the exchange possible (e.g.,technology, customer support, driver and motor vehicle safety certification, auto insurance, etc.). This model also includes P2P carsharing, P2P marketplace, hybrid B2C and P2P models, and fractional ownership [3].SAE J3163 pdf free download.

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