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SAE J343:2017 pdf free

SAE J343:2017 pdf free.Test and Test Procedures for SAE 100R Series Hydraulic Hose and Hose Assemblies
The test procedures described in the current issue of ASTM D380 shall be followed. However, in cases of conflict between the ASTM specifications and those described as follows, the latter shall take precedence. Unless otherwise specified in this document, or other SAE standards, tests shall be conducted at the prevailing ambient temperature of the testing facility.
WARNING: Water or another liquid suitable for the hose under test shall be used as the test medium. The use of air and other gaseous materials as testing media should be avoided because of the risk to operators. In special cases where such media are required for the tests, strict safety measures are imperative. Furthermore, it is stressed that when a liquid is used as the test medium, it is essential that all air is expelled from the test piece because of the risk of injury to the operator due to the sudden expansion of trapped air released when the hose bursts.
Subject unaged hose or hose assemblies, on which the end fttings have been attached for not more than 30 days, to a hydrostatic pressure. Increase the pressure at a rate in accordance with the following paragraph until the hose or hose assembly fails.
The rate of pressure increase shall be constant and chosen to reach hose or hose assembly failure after a period of between 30 and 60 seconds for hoses with nominal inside diameters up to 51 mm. For hoses with nominal inside diameters greater than 51 mm and less than or equal to 250 mm, the time needed to reach hose or hose assembly failure shall be between 60 and 240 seconds.
Reject hose or hose assemblies showing leakage, hose burst or indication of failure below the specified minimum burst pressure. The location, pressure and mode of failure shall be recorded in the test report.SAE J343 pdf free download.

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