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SAE J443:2017 pdf free

SAE J443:2017 pdf free.Procedures for Using Standard Shot Peening Almen Test Strip
For oriented part peening, provide a fixture which supports the test strips in the required verification locations per the engineering drawings or work instruction. The setup shall be qualified by placing the test strip fixtures into the machine in the same orientation to the shot stream as the part is subjected. For batch peening, provide a fixture which supports one or more strips in a static location within the blast stream. Do not allow the holders and strips to tumble in the batch of parts because tumbling can distort the strip performance.
When the machine settings are found that yield an intensity within the specified tolerance, a means of process verification and control shall be implemented. Intensity verification arc height readings shall be taken at a frequency determined to be appropriate for assuring consistent peening intensity. The frequency of intensity verifications shall not be longer than eight hours of operation Two schemes for intensity confirmation, one involving a single holder and strip, the other involving multiple holders and strips, are offered in and Note that the practice of intensity confirmation does not constitute an intensity determination since this would require development of a full saturation curve per SAE J443 using a minimum of four strips.
When using a single holder on a fixture, a single strip may be used to verify intensity. This strip should, ideally, be exposed for the time T derived from the saturation curve and its arc height shall be within the stated tolerance. In practice, this is not always possible (for example, when integral values of strokes or rotations are used). When that condition occurs, the value used shall be rounded to the nearest practical time to T. An arc height is then obtained from the intersection of the saturation curve with that nearest practical time of T, see Figure 3. This intersection shall be called a “Target Arc Height”. A single strip subsequently peened for the selected nearest practical time must repeat the target arc height to within +0.038 mm (0.0015 inch) or other value acceptable to the responsible
authority.SAE J443 pdf free download.

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