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SAE USCAR 2:2020 pdf free

Should a premature non-conformance occur during a test, contact the Authorized Person to determine if the test is to be continued to gain additional product experience or if testing is to be suspended or terminated. When contact cannot be immediately made, the type of test shall determine the disposition of the samples. If the test order indicates that the test is investigative in nature, continue until the requesting party or parties are available. If the test order is for sample approval or validation, stop the test until the requesting party can be contacted. If the test must be stopped or terminated for any other reason (safety, equipment failure, etc.) the Authorized Person must be contacted for concurrence before the test is restarted.
The test request/order should always specify desired sample disposition at the conclusion of the applicable testing.Cases frequently arise where only one half of a connector, usually the female half, is available and it mates directly to a Header or to a receptacle in an electrical component or device. This presents special problems for testing. In order to completely test the electrical connection, access must be gained to the terminals in the device or header. Great care must be taken in these cases so as not to introduce leak paths that are not present in the vehicle application. Where this risk is unacceptable, or making the necessary electrical connections is not feasible, the tests normally required to verify connection integrity must be modified.
Another problem sometimes arises due to the length of the terminals or buss bars in the device or header when conducting electrical tests. The general rule is to connect one of the millivolt test leads at the point where the Header or device terminal attaches to the circuit board or similar point in the device. The bulk resistance of the terminal “tail” is measured and subtracted during the connection resistance calculation.SAE USCAR 2 pdf free download.

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